The European Summit of Refugees and Migrants took place from the 4th to the 6th of May 2019 in Brussels.
The event has been a priceless occasion for migrant and refugee advocates to meet and discuss current challenges and opportunities with other advocates and stakeholders and to coordinate efforts in their work.
The final day was specifically conceived to host a multi-stakeholder forum. The aim of the day was to convene allies who could work with the refugee-led groups represented to make cross-sector commitments to improving the lives of refugees in Europe, and beyond.
The primary objective of this meeting is to convene migrant-led and refugee-led organizations and migrant/refugee change-makers from all Europe to gather and discuss their lived experiences and propose solutions for more effective and sustainable EU migration and refugee policy. The Summit is an opportunity for participants to
(i) Build a European coalition of refugee-led and migrant-led advocates capable of influencing EU agenda and decision-making on refugee and migrant policies
(ii) develop joint recommendations to improve EU policies on refugee/migration and agree on a road map of future activities including capacity development program of the advocates
The final product of the summit will be a policy paper to be presented later on in several official occasion on all the major policy platforms in Europe.