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Dr Adem Kumcu

President of UNITEE

President of UNITEE since 2011, Dr Adem Kumcu is a founding member of UNITEE, advocating for the interests of entrepreneurs with a migrant background at the European level.

A word from the President

“On behalf of UNITEE (United Entrepreneurs Europe), a European Confederation representing New European Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals, I am pleased to introduce you to our organisation and to offer my vision for a strong and unified Europe.

European countries are still faced with a multiple crisis, a stubborn unemployment and a looming demographic crunch, while anti-European and nationalist feelings are arising everywhere in Europe.

These challenges should make us stronger rather than weaker, by working together to find innovative and sustainable solutions.

We need to reinvent Europe’s entrepreneurial spirit, especially among young people, as there are still fewer entrepreneurs in Europe than in the United States or emerging countries.

European SMEs need to internationalize beyond EU borders to be able to face an increasing competition from emerging economies and to plug into the new market opportunities these countries will offer.

Europe also has to increase its innovation capacity by transforming its scientific knowledge into new and innovative products and services.

And we need to foster a more active citizenship among all Europeans, because it is only through the participation of all citizens in society that we will overcome these challenges.

Europe still has a great potential and many strengths.

One of these strengths are the people UNITEE supports and represents: New European entrepreneurs and business professionals, who live and work in a European country but have connections with more than just the country they live in. Their plural cultural and linguistic background is indeed an invaluable asset for Europe in terms of job creation, innovation and international trade.

Unfortunately, at this time of economic crisis and social uncertainty, the temptation to turn inward and withdraw into sterile nationalism is hard to resist.

Nevertheless, UNITEE would like to encourage you to embark on a collective and meaningful adventure, the one that will restore the same hope and energy that once inspired Europe’s Founding Fathers and all of those who shared the same ideals: a peaceful, prosperous and united Europe.

I invite you all to join us, as a prospective entrepreneur or business professional, a student or a young professional, a national or European politician, a think tank or a university.”

Dr Adem Kumcu
President of UNITEE