See our collection of relevant events, conferences, and meetings taking place next week. Tune in to them to stay updated on EU developments.
Subcommittee on Human Rights DROI
Monday 6 January 2023
15:00 – 18:00
Monday 6 February 2023
15:00 – 18:00
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)
Monday 6 February 18:45 – 20:45
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)
Monday 6 February 15:00 – 18:30
Thursday 9 February 12:15 – 12:30
Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Monday 6 February
15:00 – 17:30
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)
Monday 6 February 2023 15:00 – 18:30
Thursday 9 February 2023 13:50 – 15:00
Monday 6 February 2023
Informal meeting of competitiveness ministers, 6-8 February 2023
2nd meeting of Working Group on Integration of displaced people and refugees
This PES Network Working Group (WG) discusses developments around integrating refugees and displaced people from Ukraine in Member States’ labour markets and takes stock of good practices. The 2nd WG meeting will continue to exchange on PES experiences with integrating displaced Ukrainians and ensure that up-to-date knowledge is accessible to the whole Network.
Tuesday 7 February 2023
Report of the High-Level Group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU
In its final report, the High-Level Group developed a vision on how to reinforce social protection systems and the welfare state considering ongoing and new challenges, in a medium to long-term (looking ahead to 2030).
The launch event will bring together around 300 policymakers, social partners, key stakeholders and high-level experts onsite and online and will enable a discussion about the implications and visions of the report.
Informal meeting of competitiveness ministers, 6-8 February 2023
EU-Republic of Moldova Association Council
Wednesday 8 February 2023
Informal meeting of competitiveness ministers, 6-8 February 2023
Thursday 9 February 2023
Special European Council, 9-10 February 2023
3rd meeting of Working Group on PES Digitalisation
The third and final meeting of the PES Network Working Group (WG) on Digitalisation will be held in person in Amsterdam (NL) on 9 February 2023. The topic will be defined on the basis of the outcomes of the previous two WG meetings and participant’s needs, thus, would either focus on previously discussed issues or on new ones.
Friday 10 February 2023
Special European Council, 9-10 February 2023
Experts workshop on the Single Market Emergency Instrument
09:30 CET – 10 February 2023, 17:00 CET, Online
The objective of the workshop is to present a detailed overview of the provisions of the proposal and to give the experts the opportunity to ask questions. Negotiations on the provisions of the proposal is outside the scope of the workshop.