On 3rd and 4th April 2019, UNITEE participated in the 5th European Migration Forum – the dialogue platform on migration, asylum and migrant integration – organized around the theme ” From global to local governance of migration. The role of local authorities and civil society in managing migration and ensuring safe and regular pathways to the EU”.
The EMF is a platform for dialogue between civil society and the European institutions, on issues relating to migration, asylum and the integration of third-country nationals. It brings together, at least once a year, representatives of civil society organisations, local and regional authorities, Member States and EU institutions.
The aim of the EMF is to enhance coordination and cooperation between key players involved in the multilevel European governance of migration. The EMF aims at providing more information on the latest policy developments but also to gather information on how European policies are implemented at regional, local and grass-root levels; it should help improve the understanding of the main challenges that civil society organisations and social partners face in the field and identify ways to better support them in their efforts to address migrants’ needs.
UNITEE’s President Adem Kumcu participated in the event as the new European member of the European Migration Forum Bureau.